Protection & Grounding Essential Oil Wrist Mala


Walk the Earth living from your heart and knowing you are protected physically and spiritually with this 27-bead Lava Rock, Malachite, Citrine, and Golden Hematite wrist mala. This mala is great for essential oil lovers as the lava rock holds the oil(s) for enhanced support during meditation.

Pause and hold each bead and affirm, “I am grounded, safe, and divinely proctected as I walk my path.”

Recommended Essential Oil Pairing: Peaceful Warrior, Magnetize, or Emanate

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27-bead wrist mala. Meditate 4 times around the mala for the complete 108-mala meditation.

Wrist malas can sometimes be larger than a bracelet would fit on your wrist. While wrist malas can adorn the wrist, they are meant more for meditation. They come in a cotton bag so that you can bring it with you everywhere you go if you fear it falling off your wrist.

All stones are cleared and charged with Reiki with the purest intentions for your spiritual ascension.

Stones are 100% natural and sustainably sourced when possible.

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