Energetic Alignment

Here you will receive energetic support in releasing the past and aligning with your deepest desires in the present. This soul work elevates your auric field so you can live your best life physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

Client Love
“I am so grateful I got the opportunity to work with Aluminea. I was recommended to her by a friend who I deeply trust. He kept on saying that she is the real deal, so I was curious to experience it myself. I honestly didn’t know what to expect but I’m so grateful I did it! She gave me incredible wisdom not only for the here and now (confirming a few things I didn’t quite understand about recent events) but also gave me practical tools and guideposts for the next steps of my life. I love having good intel on what’s to come. She also confirmed a lot about how much work I’ve been doing on myself and gave me clear sight into what that actually meant in my energetic landscape. I haven’t seen things like she does, so it was incredible to step into the new realms of light and beauty from the dimension she knows and understands. It’s giving me more permission to expand into the other realms and possibilities I’ve only tiptoed in. I’ve never experienced Reiki either, but the shifting and rebalancing that occurred were noninvasive and very soothing and nurturing. I’m so grateful I got this experience and it was the perfect gift to myself right now. I highly recommend working with her to support your souls journey and evolution.”
~ Gurudarshan Khalsa

in person
The healing Art of reiki
This peaceful and relaxing time together will help you get clear on what you want to release from your life and what you want to invite in. This is an energetically intimate experience that will leave you feeling lighter and more connected to your true self.

what’s included
* 60 or 90-minute in-person session at Dharma Yoga Loft in Paso Robles, CA.
* In the first part of the session we will discuss your goals and intentions. This is a time when you have the opportunity to name what you want support with physically, in your relationships, or in your career/work life.
* Next you will lay fully clothed on the Reiki table while being guided into a customized meditation for your specific intentions. This begins the relaxation process so you are more open to receiving the healing frequencies.
* A week of unlimited email support is available to assist you in integrating the energy from the session.
* From here we move into the actual Reiki part of the session. There will be a gentle laying on of hands or hovering of the hands over your body in your auric field. The healing frequencies are channeled to you to support energetic alignment with your intentions. It is during this time that Aluminea observes how the energy is moving in your field and receives downloads, messages, visions, or other spiritual guidance to support you.
* Once the Reiki energy sharing is complete, you are gently guided back into the present moment. Here we discuss our experiences and Aluminea shares any soul work that you can do to keep your energy aligned and balanced after the session. If you’d like to record this part of the session you are welcome to.
Investment: Sliding Scale Pricing $111-$333

One of the beautiful aspects of Reiki as a healing art is that it can be sent and shared regardless of where you are in the world.

what’s included
* During a virtual session we connect via Zoom. There are 30, 60, and 90 minute options available.
* In the first part of the session we will discuss your goals and intentions. This is a time where you have the opportunity to name what you want support with physically, in your relationships, or in your career/work life.
* Next you will get into a comfortable position. You will be guided into a customized meditation for your specific intentions. This begins the relaxation process so you are more open to receiving the healing frequencies.
* From here we move into the actual Reiki part of the session. The healing frequencies are channeled to you to support energetic alignment with your intentions. It is during this time that Aluminea observes how the energy is moving in your field and receives downloads, messages, visions, or other spiritual guidance to support you.
* Once the Reiki energy sharing is complete, you are gently guided back into the present moment. Then we discuss our experiences and share any soul work that you can do to keep your energy aligned and balanced after the session.
* A recording of the last part of the session is included.
Investment: Sliding Scale Pricing $33- $333